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How to Re-Enter the Workforce After a Layoff

The economy’s ramping back up, and so we find many in search of new professional opportunities. Last year brought a great deal of hardship, and though we’d all like to put 2020 behind us, some are still battling extended unemployment. 

A layoff can come in many different forms. It may have been due to job performance, but in the case of 2020, it likely had more to do with budget cuts and organizational restructuring. Regardless of the reason, unemployment can drain your pocketbook, not to mention your overall motivation. If you find yourself in this position, here are some pointers on how to get back out there and re-enter the workforce. 

Strategize Skills on Your Resume 

Effectively demonstrating your skillset on your resume is crucial when reentering the job market. This means not only highlighting how your previous responsibilities contributed to business outcomes, but your soft skills too. How well do you work within a team? Are you collaborative? How do you handle stressful situations on the job? The answers to these questions will be more relevant if you’re looking to break into a new field, while highlighting more specific job duties will help you land a role in an industry where you’re already established.

Set Goals & Benchmarks to Stay Motivated 

As mentioned above, a layoff can be a massive knock to not only your finances, but your confidence too. One easy way to help you stay motivated in your job search is to set benchmarks and tangible goals you can reach. Make a deal with yourself to apply for a set number of open positions each week. If you’re working with a recruiter, set a goal for yourself to touch base with them regularly to stay on top of open positions you would be a good fit for. Applying for jobs can sometimes be a frustrating process, so breaking down your job search into manageable chunks is crucial to maintaining a positive outlook. Here, it’s not so much the specifics of your goals, it’s more about setting some in general. 

Leverage Your Network 

Properly leveraging your professional network will be key to finding your next position. Whether it’s a recruiter, former coworker, or simply a friend at a company, it can be difficult to get your foot in the door nowadays without someone advocating on your behalf. Like setting benchmarks in terms of your applications, make it a priority to grow your network on LinkedIn. Don’t shy away from messaging old coworkers and professional contacts to let them know you’re looking. Additionally, you can check your alumni associations to see if anyone is currently working at a company or in a field you’d like to break into. There’s even a specific LinkedIn Alumni Tool making it easier for you to network and make connections in your job search. Your fellow alum will likely be more than happy to help you in any way they can. 

Integrating these practices into your search will yield you better results in the job market. We know it can be difficult to bounce back from a layoff. But by setting tangible goals, demonstrating your abilities, and growing your network, you’ll start landing interviews in no time. What’s most important is that you stay motivated throughout this process. Companies across industries are hiring for a variety of positions. If you stay disciplined, you’re bound to find your next great opportunity. 

Photo Credit: Canva 

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