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Five Reasons Recruiters Don’t Call You Back

As recruiters, we talk with candidates daily about the frustrations they experience during their job searches. One of the biggest complaints? “Recruiters don’t call me back!” While we always strive to respond to the calls and emails we receive, the volume can be overwhelming and even one error can move you off the call back pile. Consider these reasons and learn how to improve your odds for getting a response.

An unpolished resume

Your resume is the first impression hiring managers and recruiters have of you. In addition to showcasing your background, education and experience, your resume can demonstrate your attention to detail, professionalism and even your intelligence. If you present a resume with spelling errors, typos, and missing information, or if the format is difficult to follow, it may prevent a hiring manager from wanting to learn more about you. Be sure to have someone proofread your resume and look at it for format and content. Check to see the tenses match and the overall presentation is clear and inviting. A well-executed resume along with the right background and experience should encourage a recruiter to pick up the phone and call you back.

Gaps in your work history

An extended time of unemployment can make it difficult for a recruiter to place you, even if your background and skills are excellent. Fair or not, hiring managers typically prefer hiring professionals who are employed. Sometimes being out of work is unavoidable, so what can you do to avoid gaps in your resume? Consider contract work. It’s an effective way to keep yourself in the game, get exposure to new and different professional experiences, retain your skills, and make new contacts. Include relevant contracting roles on your resume; if all of your other attributes are relevant and excellent, a recruiter should call you back!

Missing skills

Many hiring managers are very specific with the degrees, skills and certifications they want from their new employees. You may have what is being requested, but it could be difficult to find, or not even listed on your resume. Ensure your talents are clearly noted on your resume. Include a technical summary, and, if job-specific, repeat and highlight this information in your cover letter. For example, what software do you use? How proficient are you in Excel? What certificates do you have? Make your resume stand out with the particular skill that is required for the role.

Inconsistencies in your background

With multiple career websites like LinkedIn, Monster and Careerbuilder, consistency is critical. If your LinkedIn profile has employment information that differs from your resume, it will create misgiving in the mind of any recruiter, and could be the reason you aren’t called back. Many staffing agencies use software to track resume information from the first time you register with them. If you submitted a resume in January and again in September with conflicting information, it may come across as fabricated and your candidacy may be dismissed.

There is nothing to report

If recruiters don’t call you back after an initial conversation, it’s OK to follow up. We recommend calling every few weeks at most. Good recruiters rarely have a scenario where they overlook a qualified candidate for a role or forget to call a candidate with important news. If there is a fit, a next step or a question, we will call you. If not, we may not have a chance in our day to call and check in. And, while some candidate follow-up is expected, overly aggressive candidates can be off-putting to recruiters, and their tactics may get them eliminated from contention.

Improve your chances of getting a call back from a recruiter by creating a clean resume, managing unemployment gaps, showcasing relevant skills and experience, being consistent with your online profiles and being professional in your follow-up. If you do all this and are still not getting a response you, it may be time to look for a new recruiter or move onto a new opportunity.

Photo credit: Pexels

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